速報APP / 影音播放與編輯 / MediaPlayer for Radio Program

MediaPlayer for Radio Program





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




MediaPlayer for Radio Program(圖1)-速報App

How to use

Please select the media files in the smartphone.

Supported formats are mp3,m4a,aac,mp4,wav,ogg.

File selection section (upper part of the screen)

Favorites folder, you can add from the context menu that comes out in the press and hold of the file.

Delete the file only supports internal storage.

Playback unit (at the bottom of the screen)

MediaPlayer for Radio Program(圖2)-速報App

>> button fast-forward (silent part search)

<< button Rewind 15 seconds

You can switch the extended operation function in the tab at the bottom of the screen.

Major features

Save playback stop position of each file

NEW mark is attached to the non-playback file

Reproduction speed change (time-stretching) function

MediaPlayer for Radio Program(圖3)-速報App

Fine skip function of from 5 seconds to 5 minutes

Control by the remote controller of the Bluetooth headset

Silence part skip function

Remote control button action

Next track fast-forward (silent search)

Previous track Rewind 15 seconds

fast-forward Skip 5 minites

MediaPlayer for Radio Program(圖4)-速報App

fast-reverse Rewind 5 minites

Library license

SoundTouch audio processing library

MediaPlayer for Radio Program(圖5)-速報App